viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

Mango Season is in Puerto Vallarta

Early summer is the mango mania around Puerto Vallarta, in the central Pacific coast of Mexico. Everywhere, mangos, mangos, mangos. Flooded with mangos. A  fantastic problem! Ahhhh, creamy, incomparably fresh organic mangos. .

You can include mangos in your salad, or cut with local fruits. Try a salsa of mango, mango jam, mango ice ... Mexican-style creamy sorbet. If you've had enough of citrus last winter, now is the time to go a little tropical with mango, which is in season from May to September.
With its sweet and juicy flavor, versatility and abundance of nutrients, mangoe make a great addition to your diet and cooking. In a shake or cut into slices in a salad - you will treat your body with much needed vitamins, minerals and cancer fighting compounds found inside mangos.
Sweet and slightly tart, mango is a welcomed addition to the spring and the beginning of the summer fruit season. They are delicious alone or in salads, sauces, smoothies, pastries, and cakes. Grown in the trees and cultivated in India, mango is now posed in temperate climates around the world, including Florida and California, says the American Institute for Cancer Research.


That mango is rich in vitamins. It provides lots of nutrients, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research. They are especially rich in vitamins A and C and beta-carotene and potassium. One cup raw mango has 25 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A and 76 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. As a good source of potassium, mangos are considered a great post-workout snack because the mineral helps mantenerconstante electrolyte levels. Potassium also helps regulate blood pressure.

Fights cancer. Vitamin A in the handles is known not only for promoting eye health, but also helps aa cells reproduce normally and can reduce the risk of certain cancers. What's more, running back World magazine reports that the antioxidant compounds known as tannins, which are found in mangos, prevent the growth of cells causing breast cancer and colon cancer.

Mangos also contain dietary fiber - 3 grams in a cup of green mango - adding to his title as champion in the fight against certain cancers and heart disease.

What are you waiting for to eat a delicious mango in Puerto Vallarta? Now that you are informed about the many benefits of mango, the taste will not be the only reason for which we love mangos!

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